Man-O-Metry (The True Measure of A man)

Various arms of science employ manometry to measure pressure utilizing instruments called manometers. 

Such measurements determine the quality of the conditions or parameters under study and help detect anomalies or variations from expected patterns and standards. Barometers, esophageal manometers, and sphygmomanometers are some examples of manometers. Respectively, they assess atmospheric, gastrointestinal, and blood pressures to detect and predict patterns and facilitate the prevention and resolution of untoward weather or health conditions.

Man-O-Metry is a hypothetical arm of Human Behavioral Science that studies the pressures that typify manhood and the resulting character that defines and qualifies this office. It measures manhood as God intended using a biblically calibrated instrument called a Man-O-Meter. This instrument is critical to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of manhood maladies, being premised upon the fact that the incidence of manhood is not incidental to the male gender, nor can its measure be authentically assessed by:

the firmness of his nice six-pack, witty sense of humor and smart comebacks

the broadness of his smooth ripped chest, his high-ranked score on the IQ test

the enchanting tone of his sonorous voice, the daredevil recreations of his choice

his dazzling charm and quaint chivalry, gentlemanly rescue in knight’s armory

the imposing nature of his six-foot height, the impressiveness of his stalwart might

the magnitude of his sheer brute strength, the Ivy League school to which he went

the shiny gleam of his smooth bald head, his intellectual prowess as deemed “well-read”

the shapely curl of his trimmed mustache, sizable bank account and free-flowing cash

the sultriness of his captivating glance, his whispered endearments of sweet romance

the number of children he has biologically fathered, the harem of women he calls his “baby momma

the sculptured shape of his handsome face, the exotic idiosyncrasies of his foreign race

the harmonious chords of his deep baritone, technological innovations on his latest iPhone

his upper management position & six figure earnings, multilingual abilities and vast subject learnings

his swarthy skin against milk-white teeth, reputation as the most eligible bachelor a girl could ever meet

his well-toned muscles & athletic build, prestigious membership in a professional guild

possession of heavy firearms and other ammunition, sizable body frame pitted against relative diminution

numerous trophies for accomplishments, expensive car line-up and sophisticated dress sense

his renowned public image and celebrity status, charitable giving and generous favors gratis

admirable oratory and scripture-quoting ability, illustrious titles and religious pedigree …


The true measure of a man is gauged by the condition of his core, content of his character, consistency of his conduct, conviction of his carriage, and the candor and credibility of his communications.


Beyond intellectual capacity, a prominent or prestigious pedigree, the sheer magnetism of male virility, a pious veneer of spirituality, laudable accolades of great quantity, or a star-struck state of “celebrity,” how read the indices of his Man-O-Metry?🤔🧐

4Him - The Measure of A Man (Lyrics)

(The Measure of A Man 4Him)

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